Grain Moisture Testers & Analysers

coffee bean moisture testers

Coffee Bean Moisture Testers

The DICKEY-john mini GAC™ Plus moisture tester is your go-to handheld moisture tester, designed to measure harvested, wholesaled, or roasted coffee beans. Our advanced technology provides precise moisture measurements, enabling you to make informed decisions for the quality of your products with confidence.

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dickey-john gac 2500-intl


The GAC® 2500-INTL, a multilingual benchtop grain moisture tester that utilizes Unified Grain Moisture Algorithm technology (149 MHz) to provide the most accurate and repeatable results when compared to laboratory methods.

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dickey-john gac 2700-agri


The new GAC® 2700-AGRI is the ideal moisture tester for the producer. This tester utilizes the same technology as the units certified at elevators to measure moisture, test weight, and temperature with high accuracy.

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dickey-john gac 2700-lf

DICKEY-john GAC 2700-LF

DICKEY-john’s GAC™ 2700-LF moisture tester can measure raw, processed, or roasted nuts. The instrument uses state-of-the-art technology to provide more accurate moisture readings across a variety of nut types.

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dickey-john gac 2700-ugma


The new GAC® 2700-UGMA utilizes this technology to provide a high level of accuracy to measurements. The Unified Grain Moisture Algorithm (UGMA) provides more accurate moisture readings across all grain types, including in a wider range of grain densities, as well as a wider temperature range.

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dickey-john instalab 700 nir analyser

DICKEY-john Instalab 700 NIR Analyser

Our NIR units are designed to quickly and accurately measure the percent of constituent concentration (moisture, protein, oil, starch, fiber, ash, etc.) in a wide range of commodities common to the grain, feed, and food industries.

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dickey-john® mini gac™ 2500

DICKEY-john® mini GAC™ 2500

The DICKEY-john mini GAC® 2500 handheld moisture tester offers the highest level of accuracy in its class and it's fast & easy to use.

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dickey-john® mini gac™ plus | moisture tester

DICKEY-john® mini GAC™ Plus | Moisture Tester

The mini GAC® plus provides precise, portable whole grain moisture testing right in the field delivering "grain-trade" accuracy. Carry case included.

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pecan moisture tester m3g

Pecan moisture tester m3g

The portable Pecan moisture tester DICKEY-john m3g is perfect for testing moisture in Pecan nuts.

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soil compaction tester

Soil Compaction Tester

The simplest way to measure soil compaction. This simple to use management tool lets you identify the problem so you can work on the solution.

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